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WI400 – New Monitor Pool Jobs

With version 7.2 of WI400 a new version will be released of the module that allows you to dynamically manage a job pool to optimize performance and resource utilization.
WI400 is used mainly for two categories of jobs: Interactive and Batch.
Interactive uses a dedicated job that opens when you connect and closes on the LOGOUT from the system by the user.
Similarly batch jobs are created when launching the work and closed when it ends, but the life cycle varies from a few tenths of seconds to hours. Take, for example, a system that exposes Web services, where thousands of calls are processed in seconds.
Open a job repeatedly for a few tenths of a second costs a lot of effort on the part of the server. To overcome this problem already from the first release of WI400 there has been a system of sharing and reuse of jobs, which however had the limitations of not managing the work in the pre-boot phase and not allowing more than one subsystem.
Thanks to the new Monitor Pool Jobs and the tecnology of XMLSERVICE you can run multiple pools of jobs dedicated to specific functions: Web Services, Send Email, PDF generation, Exel, etc.., allowing you to divide the load even on different subsystems.
In this way the responses of the system will be much faster, as jobs are already waiting to process the request.