WI400 – Web Interface AS400 » Blog Archive » WI400: R³ = Reuse -> Reduce -> Recycle

WI400: R³ = Reuse -> Reduce -> Recycle

To innovate a management system using a web-based solution, it is not necessary to replace it or rewrite the code.
WI400 i-Framework allows you to innovate a management system at the cost of routine maintenance, aiding to maintain the assets of existing program code. Allowing for substantial savings on the initial costs of a project for launching a new management system:
licenses, data migration, implementation, adjustment of applications, integration with other systems.
WI400 significantly reduces the cost of data migration and licenses.

And that’s exactly is the meaning of the title of this post:

  • Reuse: everything working, which are the assets of corporate software.
  • Reduce: costs and the impact of innovation.
  • Recycle: skills and resources with ease and little investment.
  • wi400 reuse reduce ricycle